Children from Kenya

One of the projects developed by Dorcas Aid International in Africa is “Child Sponsorship”, a project that supports in present 2.425 children from Africa (more exactly from Kenya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda). 670 children of the total number are from Kenya, and for this project, Dorcas Aid International works in partnership with The Redeemed Gospel Church from the areas of Meru, Machakos and Muthetheni – Kenia.

Even though it is said that per general Kenya is one of the developed African countries, 56% of the population is still living under the poverty line. 80% of poor people live either in the villages or in the slams near the towns. 2.2 millions of Kenyan people are infected with HIV/AIDS, 700 of them are dying daily. As a result, there are over 500,000 orphans who are left alone. It is a big challenge for these children to be able to attend the school, to benefit of hygienic conditions, of food and clothes.

With a monthly donation of 25 euro you can financially adopt a child. In this way the child benefits of payment of the school fees, school materials, school uniform, food and medical assistance. All the children supported through Dorcas attend the school classes.

Also the children are medically checked each year and given medicines when needed. The social assistants from the project visit these children at the school and at home to counsel them. There are also organizing social clubs (Saturday clubs) where children can meet once a month to socialize – they play, they sing songs, they watch Christian movies and they read the Word of God.

The target communities are also involved in the sponsorship program. There are monthly meetings where the parents of the sponsored children discuss about issues that affect their children and find solutions of how they can help these children to learn and to become responsible citizens. Sometimes these parents are also counselled regarding HIV disease, or children’s raising or family planning.

With your support you can make a difference in the lives of these children!