Until he was 8 Stefan experienced that his mother left the family and his father died as result of TB disease. He and his sister stayed with their alcoholic grandmother and uncle. Many years they roamed the streets. They also got tuberculosis and other complications. After a long hospital treatment (several months) they have been restored. Long-term and lasting mind retardation was the result of tuberculosis. He was 8 and his sister was 10 when the police caught them out in the streets and taken to the minor’s institute.
In 2000 the CE Union in Oradea established the Julia children’s home. They were found by CE people in the minor’s institute when they were looking for abandoned children for the Julia home. The criteria was that only those are eligible who want to attend school. Stefan asked if he and his sister can move to the Julia home and go to school. They were accepted. In the school he was unable to adapt to the discipline expectations so after 2 weeks he was returned to the kindergarten. He was too old and in order to handle his wild behavior it was difficult to find a pedagogue who takes him over and tames him down. Finally, one of the best kindergartens was ready to take Stefan over. An old lady, with experience, great love and consistency began to soften the little rogue. One year later the school was started. The elementary school grades passed without major problems, but later on he was not able to cooperate with teachers. He became a teenager bearing a lot of internal injuries and proving to be full of aggressive behavior. The former traces of street life, loitering and drinking tendencies also appeared.
After 17 years of age he began understand the life and became tammed. Very often he prayed that God may take away the heart of the immense hate and anger, which he was full of.
When the CE Union started the Onesimus project in Oradea, Stefan wanted to become a student. He lacked basic information about the project, but even so he knew that he wants to learn something and he doesn’t want to miss this occasion. His mentor recommended a profession where communication with people is necessary. To a ‘what you want to learn’ question he did not know the answer, even when he went to enroll. He finally decided was to learn to be a waiter. According to Onesimus policies he paid 20% of the costs and he took part regularly visiting the afternoon classes. He fulfilled the practical part of the training in the CE house in Oradea and its social center, where he and other children served meals to the guests. The cook said that he was very cooperative and it was a great satisfaction to work together with him. And of course, he finally got a diploma.
From time to time he likes to reflect on what was good when he spent a lot of his time in an useful manner. Currently, Stefan wants to enroll in a summer training to study childcare.