The ”Adopt a granny” project is developed by Dorcas Aid Romania in partnership with the following organizations: Lord’s Army Association from Gherla town, Christian Centre Betania from Oradea town, Pro Christo et Ecclesia from Targu-Mures, Zalau and Oradea towns, Christian Foundation Diakonia from Cluj-Napoca town.
The goal of the project is to support elderly to improve their living conditions from material, psychical and spiritual points of view.
More specific, the benefits of the grannies as being part of the project consist of material, moral and spiritual support offered to a number of 589 old poor people from the areas of: Cluj-Napoca town, Cluj county, Targu-Mures town, Salaj and Bihor counties.
The beneficiaries receive each month a food parcel, periodically care at the elderly’s homes, spiritual counselling and socializing activities like prayer time, visits to different places, trips, summer camps.
Also, as part of the project it is offered help for the medical emergencies like surgeries, and when needed it is offered support for house renovations.