The example of granny Eunice

Granny Eunice is a 65 years old woman and she has been integrated in the Adopt a Granny project at the beginning of 2011. The granny is living with her son who is addicted to alcohol and he spends all his income from occasional work on drinking alcohol. He supports his mother neither with money nor with help with the household work.

The granny used to work as a cleaning woman but she was not officially employed and now she has no right to apply for a pension even though she has reached the proper age for pensioning.

They live in very bad circumstances. Having no income she has often suffered because of the lack of food. Many times she was starving and the neighbors had mercy on her and gave her food to eat. Their house is in such a bad condition that it is even dangerous to live in, being afraid not to collapse. They have no electricity and no running water in the house. They use candles during the evenings to have light in the house. They didn’t have wood for heating during the winter; the only thing that she could use for heating was some leftovers that she received from the people.

Entering the Adopt a Granny project, Eunice has been helped with monthly food and clothes. Also she has been willing to participate to the Elisabeth club which organizes regular meetings for the grannies from the project. During these meetings the grannies meet each others, they talk together about their problems, they pray and they read the Word of God. Granny Eunice has been so pleased for this.

When we met her she was desperate. Now, after only a few months of support within the project she is like she has received back her vitality. We have seen her very happy as she started to cultivate her small garden. Within the project she has been helped also with seeds for this.

It is a miracle to see how caring, loving and paying attention can change a human life! One can easily see that granny Eunice has now strength to go on and to overcome the daily hardships.

Erzsebet Kondor, social worker for Pro Christo et Ecclesia Association, partner of Dorcas Aid Romania