Ioska’s family entered the Family Care project in 2004. At that time they had 6 children. The mother was a housekeeper and the father having a sickness pension was working occasionally in order to support his family. Since then, three more children were born in their family. When the Agriculture Development project started, they entered this project, during the first year growing chickens and pigs in the second year.
In 2009 the father was hired working part time in the greenhouses of our partner. Since they loved so much this kind of work they thought to have their own greenhouse – as a support for their large family with 9 children. The father made a plan and he asked if he could get 50 % support from Dorcas and he will put the other 50% to be able to build a greenhouse in his own yard. Therefore, in February 2010 not just that he received a positive answer but also the money: 2000 Ron. Everyday after working at our partner’s greenhouses together with another person he started to build his own greenhouse. With the money that he got he bought the iron and the necessary plastic foil. At the end of April they were able to put the plastic foil. He received the seedlings from the partner and they were able to start their own production.
In this moment God blessed their work so much that they can even sell from their own production.
With Dorcas support through this project we can say that a family was helped to get out from their “financial hole” and now they are a blessed family.